Mount of the Gods Wikia

There is sometimes a cheese that spawns in the top corner of the map



Here is a wardrobe where you can change your mask inside the lobby. Does not work in inside the game.

When you first join the game, you get these messages:

  • Go here to join a random server [E]
  • Go here to start a server [E]
  • Go here to find friends already playing [E]
  • Go here if you don't know where to go [E]
  • Go here to play drums and think about your life [E]

This is the very first thing you'll see [besides the page that sends you to The Lobby and the Tutorial] in-game.


The Lobby is where you relax before preparing yourself for your run.

This is where you make your own servers, join servers, and see your new masks.

The Lobby

Here is the lobby in the 7/11/2017 update

[if you haven't already.] There's a couch and drums in the middle. that's where you think about your life and consider what you're going to do with it in the future and why you're here-

The Lobby has two banners that tells you about Vip Server[s] and what you can do in them. Nearby, is where all the certain [public] servers are right now. You can tell what map they're in, how many seasons have passed or players, and if it's in Hardcore or not.

To your right [of the spawn], that's where you make your server and finally start your new run. People can join you [unless you set it to private], and do all the typical things. It's the Lobby, what'd you expect? You've most likely already seen the Lobby now, before you came here for information.

Stack and jump to get the cheese or if you can stack and jump to the tops of the brown walls!
